Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 05, 2012

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR363 Flood Resolution Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School football team for winning the 2011 Class C-1 state championship
LR362 Avery Resolution Recognize January 5, 2012, as the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature and honor the lifetime achievements of George W. Norris
LR361 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Hartington one-act play production team for winning the 2011 Class C-2 state play production championship
LR360 Wightman Resolution Congratulate the Sargent High School football team for winning the Class D-2 state championship
LR359 Wightman Resolution Recognize Bill Kloepping for his seventy years of service to 4-H clubs in Dawson County
LB838 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Health Benefit Exchange Act
LB837 Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a task force to review use of certain drugs by wards of the state
LB836 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to deposit and investment of public funds in certificates of deposit and time deposits
LB835 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Health Benefit Exchange Act
LB834 Gloor Passed Change the Nebraska Regulation of Health Professions Act
LB833 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to surcharges for 911 services
LB832 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require a report on qualifications by proposed appointee as chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB831 Howard Passed Adopt the Genetic Counseling Practice Act
LB830 Hadley Passed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for biochips
LB829 Louden Indefinitely postponed Create alcohol impact zones
LB828 Dubas Passed Change provisions relating to wind and solar energy agreements
LB827 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Require mediation for budget disputes between a county board and a county officer
LB826 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to legislative consideration of proposed rules and regulations under the Medical Assistance Act
LB825 Dubas Passed Provide requirements for staffing, services, and contracts for public assistance programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services
LB824 Karpisek Passed Define flavored malt beverage and change bond provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB823 Adams Passed Change powers and duties of county treasurers relating to the holding of certain school district funds
LB822 Adams Passed Change notice provisions relating to changes in real property valuations
LB821 Health and Human Services Committee Passed Create the Nebraska Children's Commission and adopt the Office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare Act
LB820 Health and Human Services Committee Passed Create the Title IV-E Demonstration Project Committee and the Foster Care Reimbursement Rate Committee, provide a temporary foster care stipend, and change foster care licensure requirements
LB819 Price Passed Provide for the treatment of military medals as unclaimed property
LB818 Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain deeds from the documentary stamp tax
LB817 Pirsch Passed Change provisions relating to law enforcement certification and continuing education, evidentiary use of set-aside convictions, and duties of the Community Corrections Division of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
LB816 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to evidentiary use of set-aside convictions
LB815 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change penalty and statute of limitations regarding concealing the death of another person
LB814 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Include additional substances in the schedule of controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB813 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Prohibit counties, cities, and villages from imposing credentialing requirements
LB812 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change garnishment provisions
LB811 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to disclosure of confidential business or financial information
LB810 Gloor Passed Prohibit insurance policy provisions relating to fees for dental services
LB809 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to evaluation of certificated employees of schools
LB808 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for an environmental study of a hydroelectric dam project
LB807 Lautenbaugh Passed Change provisions relating to disposition of firearms seized or held by a law enforcement agency and concealed handgun permit applications and revocations
LB806 Lautenbaugh Governor Veto Authorize the State Racing Commission to regulate wagering on historic horseraces
LB805 Lautenbaugh Passed Remove the social security number requirement from certain firework permit and license applications
LB804 Lautenbaugh Passed Change provisions relating to justification for use of force
LB803 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require presentment of an operator's license and proof of insurance to a peace officer by a driver involved in an accident and mandate impoundment of the vehicle in certain situations
LB802 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Authorize carrying of concealed handguns by certain authorities within the scope of their employment
LB801 Fischer Passed Eliminate obsolete references to designated county officials
LB800 Louden Passed Change provisions relating to appraised value of school lands
LB799 Cornett Passed Change penalties for child abuse
LB798 Urban Affairs Committee Indefinitely postponed Provide that certain assessments are levied and collected as special assessments
LB797 Avery Withdrawn Define sexual contact to include kissing without consent
LB796 Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Outdoor Outfitters and Guides Registration Act
LB795 Avery Passed Change provisions relating to applying for membership in veterans homes
LB794 Lambert Passed Redefine "byproduct material" under the Radiation Control Act
LB793 Lautenbaugh Passed Limit frivolous civil actions filed by prisoners
LB792 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to personal services contract review and approval duties of the Director of Administrative Services
LB791 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program
LB790 Coash Passed Transfer a county court judgeship to another district
LB789 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change the State Electrical Act relating to electrical inspections
LB788 Campbell Passed Change respiratory care practice requirements
LB787 McGill Indefinitely postponed Authorize inspection and regulation of staff secure facilities by the Jail Standards Board
LB786 Christensen Passed Change forfeiture of office provisions for city council members in cities with a city manager
LB785 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Authorize possession of firearms as prescribed
LB784 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Uniform Trust Code provisions relating to testamentary powers
LB783 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers of personal representatives