Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 13, 2011

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR28 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Encourage all municipal, county, and state law enforcement agencies to participate in the Secure Communities program by the year 2012
LR27 Larson Resolution Congratulate Eleanor Wrede Nielsen on her 108th birthday
LR26 Utter Resolution Congratulate Luke Borgeling for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR25 Utter Resolution Congratulate Tony Batenhorst for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR24 Utter Resolution Congratulate Zachary Kirkegaard for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR23 Smith Indefinitely postponed Recognize pregnancy care centers for their unique and positive contributions
LB419 Nelson Indefinitely postponed Change restrictions on certain expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB418 Nelson Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain automatic dialing-announcing devices from registration
LB417 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Change the Civil Service Act to extend probationary service for firefighters
LB416 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Change firefighter hour and schedule provisions
LB415 Wallman Governor Veto Change provisions relating to contraband in a detention facility or providing an inmate with contraband
LB414 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Provide that University of Nebraska funds not lapse and change cash funds
LB413 Conrad Passed Authorize use of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for programs benefiting homeless youth
LB412 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding contributions and expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB411 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change fees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB410 Utter Passed Adopt the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act
LB409 Utter Indefinitely postponed Provide for the retention of insurance proceeds by a county or municipality to repair or demolish damaged property
LB408 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to divorce
LB407 Karpisek Passed Change employment provisions, notice requirements, and license restrictions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB406 Cook Passed Provide for reentry licenses under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act
LB405 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize hearings by a single commissioner of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB404 Pirsch Passed Change reporting provisions relating to the Department of Economic Development
LB403 Council Indefinitely postponed Change allocation of the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund
LB402 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change penalties relating to third-degree assault on a social worker and provide for social worker safety training
LB401 Howard Passed Require assisted-living facilities to provide written information to applicants for admission
LB400 Janssen Passed Change property tax levy authority for natural resources districts and exceptions from property tax levy limits
LB399 Avery Passed Change the number of signatures needed for nomination petitions
LB398 Lathrop Passed Authorize election commissioners to administer oaths and affirmations and change provisions relating to notaries public
LB397 Lathrop Passed Change and eliminate provisions of the Industrial Relations Act and the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act
LB396 Pahls Passed Change bond provisions relating to the deposit and investment of certain county funds
LB395 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change voting provisions for members of the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board
LB394 Schilz Passed Change Dry Bean Commission membership provisions
LB393 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Require state agencies to develop plans to use Nebraska biodiesel fuel
LB392 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties relating to aquatic invasive species
LB391 Schilz Passed Prohibit activities relating to aquatic invasive species and create the Nebraska Invasive Species Council
LB390 Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to jails, community corrections, and the Community Trust
LB389 Cornett Passed Adopt the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
LB388 Wightman Passed Adopt the Site and Building Development Act and change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
LB387 Hadley Passed Adopt the Business Innovation Act and eliminate economic development programs
LB386 Heidemann Passed Provide job training grants for interns
LB385 Utter Passed Change and terminate provisions of the Low-Income Home Energy Conservation Act
LB384 Cornett Passed Change property tax provisions and membership, powers, and duties of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB383 Cornett Passed Eliminate state aid for municipalities, counties, and natural resources districts
LB382 Nordquist Passed Change deposit and contribution rates for certain retirement systems and calculation of state aid for schools
LB381 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to educational service units, withdraw from the Compact for Education, and eliminate a student achievement coordinator
LB380 Speaker Flood Passed Change and eliminate assessment and distribution of depreciation charges relating to state buildings
LB379 Speaker Flood Passed Transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB378 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds
LB377 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for capital construction
LB376 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
LB375 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB374 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for state government expenses
LB373 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations
LB372 Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to postsecondary course and program offerings
LB371 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for an unfair insurance trade practice relating to public officials
LB370 Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to collection of delinquent real property taxes by sale of real property
LB369 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require state agencies to develop and implement energy conservation plans
LB368 Brasch Passed Change nomination provisions for partisan offices
LB367 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors
LB366 McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board
LB365 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change access provisions for voter information and voter registration registers
LB364 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to calculation of state aid to schools
LB363 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and property taxes and provide a duty for the Secretary of State
LB362 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide tax incentives for renewable energy projects under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB361 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Set the salary of members of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB360 Cornett Passed Change provisions governing tax credits for energy generation facilities and property taxation
LB359 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB358 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sales taxation of net metering
LB357 Ashford Veto Overridden Change and eliminate provisions relating to increases in local option sales tax
LB356 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Authorize funding for administration of the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act
LB355 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Provide for an agricultural trade representative and funding intent
LB354 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change funding provisions for the Weight and Measures Act
LB353 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to towing of vehicles and exemptions from size, weight, and load restrictions
LB352 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Provide airport hazard area dimensions under the Airport Zoning Act
LB351 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change court procedure relating to substitution of parties
LB350 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change medical lien and personal injury damage suit provisions
LB349 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change demand for trial by jury provisions
LB348 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change employer liability provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act