Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 06, 2011

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR11 Gloor Resolution Congratulate the Grand Island Senior High School wrestling team for winning the 2010 Flatwater Fracas Wrestling Tournament
LR10 Gloor Resolution Congratulate the Grand Island Central Catholic High School volleyball team for winning the 2010 Class C-1 state championship
LR9CA Schilz Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change agricultural and horticultural land valuation
LR8 Mello Resolution Congratulate the 2010 recipients of the 78th Annual Ten Outstanding Young Omahans Award
LR7 Karpisek Resolution Congratulate the Crete High School football team for winning the 2010 Class B state championship
LR6 Karpisek Resolution Congratulate the Exeter-Milligan High School volleyball team for winning the 2010 Class D-1 state championship
LR5CA Krist Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to reduce the maximum number of days for regular legislative sessions
LR4 McCoy Resolution Congratulate Dean Gorsuch for winning the steer wrestling world championship at the 2010 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo
LR3CA Fischer Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize pledge of state sales and use taxes for highway bonds
LR2CA Harms Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize county manager form of county government
LR1 Langemeier Resolution Congratulate the Wahoo High School girls' softball team for winning the 2010 Class C state championship
LB135 Smith Passed Change remittance requirements for motor vehicle and boat certificate of title fees
LB134 Cornett Passed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB133 Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require inclusion of sentencing costs in presentence reports
LB132 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Abortion Mandate Opt-Out Act so no abortion coverage is provided by a qualified health plan offered through a health insurance exchange created pursuant to federal law
LB131 Heidemann Passed Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB130 Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Provide for adjustment of formula need in calculation of state aid to schools
LB129 Avery Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the statute of limitation for certain felonies
LB128 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change DNA collection provisions
LB127 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change input into determinations and management plans for regulation of water
LB126 Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Children's Health and Responsible Corporate Marketing Act that regulates advertising and marketing to children in restaurants, food establishments, and convenience stores, and provides duties for the Department of Agriculture
LB125 Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Children's Health Advisory Committee
LB124 Avery Passed Provide for cultural history information in adoption records
LB123 Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Provide for disciplinary actions and policies relating to cyber-bullying
LB122 Harms Passed Rename an educational telecommunications building
LB121 Avery Passed Eliminate provisions relating to the State Fire Marshal from the Volunteer Emergency Responders Recruitment and Retention Act
LB120 Avery Indefinitely postponed Designate use of certain funds to administer the Risk Management Program
LB119 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to incorporated municipalities
LB118 Avery Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to state aid to natural resources districts
LB117 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change publication requirements for constitutional amendments and initiative and referendum measures
LB116 Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for use of Veterans' Aid Income Fund for the state veteran cemetery system
LB115 Council Indefinitely postponed Change limitation of action provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB114 Dubas Passed Provide a standard and labeling restrictions for honey
LB113 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Prohibit job discrimination based upon credit history
LB112 Coash Passed Provide exemptions from motor carrier regulations for certain transportation service providers
LB111 Gloor Passed Change membership on mental health boards
LB110 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate soil conditioner registration under the Nebraska Commercial Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Act
LB109 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain registrations under the Agricultural Liming Materials Act
LB108 Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to division fences
LB107 Carlson Passed Change Grain Sorghum Development, Utilization, and Marketing Board provisions
LB106 Schilz Passed Authorize the use of county sales and use taxes for public safety services as prescribed
LB105 Schilz Passed Change restrictions on operation of motorboats and personal watercraft
LB104 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change certain vehicle weight provisions
LB103 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change instream appropriation provisions
LB102 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to vehicle loads
LB101 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Eliminate daylight savings time
LB100 Coash Passed Change provisions relating to the criminal responsibility of intoxicated persons and the insanity defense
LB99 Coash Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Film Advantage Act
LB98 Fischer Passed Provide powers relating to federal-aid transportation funds
LB97 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Require Secretary of State to provide uniform guidelines for election workers
LB96 Revenue Committee Indefinitely postponed Change state aid to counties
LB95 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require accreditation by lead agencies and a moratorium on agencies contracting with the Department of Health and Human Services and change requirements for child-caring agencies
LB94 Howard Passed Allow petitioners for adoption of a state ward to read the child's case file
LB93 Howard Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent with respect to administrators' salaries within the Division of Children and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB92 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change caseload provisions for public child welfare service caseworkers
LB91 Price Indefinitely postponed Increase the minimum horsepower of a tractor that is required to be tested
LB90 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to secured transactions under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code
LB89 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change qualifications of the Superintendent of Law Enforcement and Public Safety
LB88 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide signage requirements and duties for the Nebraska State Patrol regarding concealed handguns
LB87 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to mowing weeds in ditches
LB86 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the legislative reference library
LB85 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act
LB84 Fischer Passed Adopt the Build Nebraska Act and provide for distribution of sales and use tax revenue for road construction
LB83 Coash Indefinitely postponed Rename and repurpose the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act
LB82 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change revenue and taxation provisions to redefine contractor or repairperson and gross receipts to exclude sod as prescribed
LB81 Cornett Passed Change city and village powers relating to occupation taxes and motor vehicle registration
LB80 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Juvenile Code provisions relating to juvenile care plans
LB79 McGill Indefinitely postponed Provide grants for court appointed special advocate programs
LB78 Pahls Passed Define a term in the Public Funds Deposit Security Act
LB77 Pahls Passed Change debt cancellation contract and debt suspension contract provisions
LB76 Pahls Passed Adopt updated federal laws for securities, commodities, and consumer rental purchase agreements
LB75 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to loan brokers, mortgage loan originators, and residential mortgage licensing
LB74 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to banks and banking
LB73 Pahls Passed Change the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act
LB72 Pahls Passed Change insurance provisions
LB71 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Change the definition of trustee under the Burial Pre-Need Sale Act
LB70 Pahls Passed Change the Surplus Lines Insurance Act
LB69 Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of comparable sales for tax valuation
LB68 Fulton Passed Permit certified nurse midwives to have clinical privileges
LB67 Fischer Passed Clarify required use and enforcement provisions regarding seat belts and other occupant protection systems
LB66 Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to DNA collection
LB65 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to C-BED projects sales tax exemptions
LB64 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to wildlife in captivity
LB63 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Ratify the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
LB62 Heidemann Passed Change provisions regarding county officers and prohibit elimination or undue hindrance of a county officer by a county board
LB61 Heidemann Passed Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion
LB60 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to compliance checks for sales of alcoholic liquor
LB59 Adams Passed Change property tax authority of and aid to community colleges
LB58 Adams Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study of dual-enrollment courses and career academies
LB57 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB56 Mello Passed Amend the State Electrical Act and update references to the National Electrical Code
LB55 Mello Indefinitely postponed Update references to the International Energy Conservation Code
LB54 Mello Passed Change provisions relating to the Community Development Law
LB53 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change free transportation provisions relating to learning community students
LB52 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change motorcycle helmet provisions and require eye protection
LB51 Krist Indefinitely postponed Require health clinics to have patient transfer agreements
LB50 Krist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Elementary and Secondary Educational Opportunity Act and provide for income tax credits
LB49 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide certain requirements relating to filing of nonconsensual liens
LB48 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act
LB47 Fischer Passed Include certain third parties as railroad carriers
LB46 Fulton Passed Define the term "barber pole" for purposes of the Barber Act
LB45 Fulton Passed Change the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act
LB44 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to power of sale conferred upon a trustee
LB43 McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to trust deeds
LB42 Hadley Passed Update references to the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code
LB41 Hadley Passed Change fee, permit and stamp issuance, and possession of game provisions under the Game Law
LB40 Hadley Passed Change a sales tax exemption for health clinics
LB39 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change licensure provisions for interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing persons
LB38 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions relating to public power district boards
LB37 Harms Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for access to information for government audits
LB36 Harms Passed Provide for a vote regarding adding fluoride to the drinking water supply
LB35 Harms Passed Change oversize vehicle permit provisions and exceptions for towing disabled vehicles
LB34 Louden Passed Exempt religious residential facilities from certain provisions of the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB33 Louden Indefinitely postponed Change valuation of agricultural and horticultural land
LB32 Langemeier Passed Change dam and appropriation application approval provisions
LB31 Langemeier Passed Change supplemental agricultural appropriation of water provisions
LB30 Langemeier Passed Change the Environmental Protection Act relating to composting sites and references to federal law
LB29 Langemeier Passed Change provisions relating to the use of certain funds by the Department of Environmental Quality
LB28 Langemeier Passed Change provisions relating to chemigation
LB27 Langemeier Passed Change appropriations for water power and water well registration fees
LB26 Langemeier Passed Adopt the Private Transfer Fee Obligation Act
LB25 Langemeier Passed Provide exemptions relating to real property for asset management companies
LB24 Langemeier Passed Provide training requirements under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB23 Langemeier Passed Change renewal and fee provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB22 McCoy Passed Adopt the Mandate Opt-Out and Insurance Coverage Clarification Act
LB21 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to ballots cast by presidential electors
LB20 McCoy Passed Regulate the sale of methamphetamine precursors
LB19 McCoy Passed Prohibit the use of certain drug substances as prescribed
LB18 Adams Passed Provide for distribution of allocations from the federal Education Jobs Fund
LB17 Wightman Passed Change civil procedure complete court record provisions
LB16 Wightman Withdrawn Change composition of certain district court judicial districts
LB15 Wightman Passed Change district court execution of judgment provisions
LB14 Wightman Passed Change fees received by registers of deeds, county clerks, district court clerks, and the Secretary of State
LB13 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to life imprisonment without parole
LB12 Wightman Passed Eliminate "without parole" provisions relating to life imprisonment
LB11 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to correct an internal reference in the Employment Security Law
LB10 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to clarify reference to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee
LB9 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to change erroneous reference to previous sections rather than chapter in civil procedure statutes
LB8 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute relating to schools
LB7 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute relating to workers' compensation
LB6 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate obsolete language and reference to a repealed statute in the Judges Retirement Act relating to acting judges of the county court
LB5 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute relating to the Research and Development Authority
LB4 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute relating to the Small Business Development Authority and the Small Business Investment Fund
LB3 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute in the Nebraska Construction Lien Act governing the enforcement of liens that arose prior to January 1, 1982
LB2 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal obsolete statutes relating to the Water Policy Task Force, ground water conservation districts, and certain provisional permits
LB1 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete statute relating to the Republican River