Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 14, 2010

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR293 McGill Resolution Send condolences to the nation of Haiti and ask the citizens of Nebraska to send needed support to the country
LB962 Council Indefinitely postponed Require blood lead testing prior to school enrollment
LB961 Council Passed Provide for economic development training grants and change job training grant provisions
LB960 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to net metering
LB959 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain discriminatory acts or practices related to the business of insurance
LB958 Giese Indefinitely postponed Exempt retirement benefits and social security benefits from income tax
LB957 Adams Indefinitely postponed Provide for memoranda of understanding related to student information sharing
LB956 Adams Passed Rename the Nebraska Scholarship Act and change award provisions
LB955 Giese Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Correctional Facility Reimbursement Act
LB954 Giese Indefinitely postponed Establish a limit on refunds of local option taxes under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB953 Coash Indefinitely postponed Provide a rate of payment for certain medical services in emergency protective custody situations
LB952 White Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain public utility income for infrastructure replacement and sewer programs from sales tax
LB951 Avery Passed Change provisions relating to early voting, multiple officeholding, and provisional ballots
LB950 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change provisions relating to retirement
LB949 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state and local building codes
LB948 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to agency requisitions and competitive bidding
LB947 Avery Passed Eliminate the Community Development Block Grant Program Advisory Committee
LB946 Hadley Withdrawn Provide for court-ordered postsecondary education subsidy orders
LB945 Harms Passed Prohibit use of handheld wireless communication devices while driving
LB944 Harms Withdrawn Provide for publication of certain items on school district web sites
LB943 Harms Passed Provide for the merger of civil service commissions under the Civil Service Act
LB942 Gay Indefinitely postponed Provide for a special shipping permit for alcohol manufacturers
LB941 Gay Indefinitely postponed Permit optometrists to dispense cosmetic and medicated contacts as prescribed
LB940 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Amend the Welfare Reform Act to require drug screening for cash assistance benefits
LB939 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change support order enforcement provisions
LB938 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Provide for an amendment to the medicaid state plan relating to reimbursement of federally qualified health centers
LB937 Fischer Passed Terminate per diem payments for members of learning community coordinating councils
LB936 Flood Indefinitely postponed Authorize court-ordered conditions for juvenile court dispositions
LB935 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations and change certain appropriations