Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Monday January 11, 2010

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR284CA Utter Presented to Secretary of State Constitutional amendment to abolish the office of the State Treasurer
LR283 Harms Resolution Congratulate Aubree Worden on her achievements
LR282 Hadley Resolution Congratulate Dr. Richard Miller for his outstanding achievements in the field of higher education
LR281 Stuthman Resolution Congratulate the Humphrey St. Francis High School football team for winning the 2009 Class D-2 state championship
LR280 Stuthman Resolution Congratulate the Howells High School football team for winning the 2009 Class D-1 state championship
LR279CA Avery Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the number of signatures required on initiative petitions
LB892 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to federal deposit insurance requirements, residential mortgage licensing, installment loans, and reverse mortgages
LB891 Pahls Passed Provide for conditional bank charters
LB890 Pahls Passed Change banking and finance provisions
LB889 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the justification for the use of force
LB888 Conrad Passed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act and change provisions relating to charging orders
LB887 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for interstate simulcast facility licenses
LB886 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change and provide penalties for minors purchasing or possessing tobacco
LB885 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Transfer the responsibilities of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and the State Energy Office to the newly created Nebraska Energy Commission
LB884 McGill Passed Require employers to provide employees with wage and deduction information as prescribed
LB883 Coash Indefinitely postponed Provide for offsite storage facilities and change reporting and payment requirements for farm wineries
LB882 Rogert Passed Change provisions relating to disposal of dead animals
LB881 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to fireworks
LB880 Rogert Passed Change provisions relating to fireworks
LB879 Cornett Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB878 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate tax provisions relating to electronic fund transfers, withholding, and overpayments
LB877 Cornett Passed Change property assessment and tax provisions
LB876 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change recovery amounts under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB875 Giese Indefinitely postponed Provide for voter registration on the Secretary of State's web site
LB874 Giese Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to probation office expenses
LB873 Giese Passed Require notice of certain property taxes owed and eliminate a notification requirement for certain delinquent property taxes
LB872 Lathrop Passed Change applicability of a medical fee schedule relating to workers' compensation
LB871 Fischer Passed Change provisions relating to persons accompanying apprentice hunters
LB870 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide for a temporary operating permit under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB869 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide for and change fees relating to licensure under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB868 Flood Indefinitely postponed Change probation administrative sanctions, community service sentencing, and minors with alcohol-related criminal provisions and exempt community service offenders and probationers from workers' compensation coverage
LB867 Karpisek Veto Overridden Change shipping license fees for alcohol
LB866 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a dispensing practitioner permit and change other provisions relating to pharmacy
LB865 Fischer Passed Adopt the Livestock Animal Welfare Act
LB864 Pirsch Passed Provide, change, and eliminate duties for the Community Corrections Council
LB863 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change annexation procedures affecting certain cities of the first class and sanitary and improvement districts
LB862 Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to the regulation of water
LB861 General Affairs Committee Passed Change provisions relating to the State Racing Commission, the Nebraska Liquor Control Act, and the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB860 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change concealed handgun permit application provisions relating to misdemeanor crimes of violence
LB859 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to trial by jury
LB858 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to service animals and mobility-impaired or otherwise disabled persons
LB857 Gay Indefinitely postponed Change fee provisions relating to modular housing units, manufactured homes, and recreational vehicles
LB856 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Provide for requirements for memorials in the highway right-of-way
LB855 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Remote Pharmacy Act
LB854 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for licensure under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB853 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change criminal law statutes to reflect Nebraska Supreme Court opinion State v. Conover, 270 Neb. 446; 703 N.W.2d 898 (2005)
LB852 Avery Passed Provide for write-in space on official ballots for certain offices
LB851 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act
LB850 Avery Indefinitely postponed Require public postsecondary educational institutions to provide information on early voting to students
LB849 Gay Passed Change provisions relating to the health and human services
LB848 Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to board of equalization meetings for cities of the first class
LB847 Council Indefinitely postponed Change Small Claims Court powers and provide for use of attorneys as prescribed