Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Friday January 08, 2010

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR278CA Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to set certain salaries in the Constitution
LR277CA Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to allow for parimutuel wagering on horseraces at a satellite wagering facility
LB846 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change interest rate provisions for certain Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court awards
LB845 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require energy conservation by state agencies
LB844 Lautenbaugh Passed Change provisions relating to Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center tuition, fees, and expenses
LB843 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to arson
LB842 Lautenbaugh Passed Change procedures in cases of death during apprehension by law enforcement officers or while in custody
LB841 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Amend the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act to allow release of digital images or signatures to local law enforcement
LB840 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to criminal attempt
LB839 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a period of invalidity of rules and regulations as prescribed
LB838 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require certain provisions in highway and bridge contracts and require contractor-identifying signage
LB837 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Provide for entry of default orders by the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB836 Lautenbaugh Passed Provide for the extension of existing deer hunting seasons and the destruction of mountain lions and other predators
LB835 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change reporting provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB834 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to liquor licenses
LB833 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for confidentiality of Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court records
LB832 Fischer Passed Eliminate a private insurance requirement relating to petroleum release remedial action
LB831 Utter Indefinitely postponed Change Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act provisions relating to school permits
LB830 Coash Indefinitely postponed Limit small tourism business liability and adopt the Tourism Insurance Act
LB829 Rogert Passed Change certain notice requirements under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB828 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for medical radiographers and limited radiographers
LB827 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for prescription training for renewal of certain health practitioner licenses
LB826 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Adopt the County Consolidation Act
LB825 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide for parimutuel wagering on horseraces at satellite wagering facilities
LB824 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to master jury lists
LB823 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Provide for appointment of county assessors
LB822 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to construction liens
LB821 Fischer Passed Change provisions relating to road priorities
LB820 Janssen Passed Change provisions relating to height restrictions for vehicles and operating permits for certain emergency vehicles
LB819 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Indefinitely postponed Change traffic control signal and speed limit provisions
LB818 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB817 Rogert Passed Authorize contracting for law enforcement by natural resources districts, change provisions relating to handguns and firearms, and require the Nebraska State Patrol to provide notice to permitholders
LB816 Fischer Passed Change motor vehicle industry regulation provisions
LB815 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for political subdivision budget statements and financial information on the state web site
LB814 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to transactions exempt from securities registration
LB813 Gloor Passed Prohibit prepaid dental service plans from limiting fees for certain services
LB812 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change notice and hearing requirements for complaints under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB811 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Indefinitely postponed Change appeal procedures relating to the Public Service Commission
LB810 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to undercover license plates and drivers' licenses
LB809 Rogert Passed Change statute of limitations for fraud involving certain assistance programs
LB808 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Indefinitely postponed Change commercial motor vehicle and commercial driver's license provisions
LB807 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require automobile liability policies to be issued for a minimum term
LB806 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land valuation
LB805 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Passed Adopt updates to federal motor vehicle laws and regulations and change motor vehicle and common carrier licensing and operation provisions
LB804 Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from the documentary stamp tax
LB803 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Exclude licensed physical therapists from the Chiropractic Practice Act
LB802 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change revenue and taxation provisions to redefine contractor or repairperson and gross receipts to exclude sod as prescribed
LB801 Fulton Passed Change the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
LB800 Ashford Passed Provide and change methods of early intervention for children at risk and penalties for drug offenses by minors
LB799 Krist Passed Change state and local building code provisions
LB798 Langemeier Passed Extend the termination date of the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act
LB797 Langemeier Passed Change duties of the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB796 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Impose a fuel tax for use to complete the state expressway system
LB795 Council Indefinitely postponed Authorize employment of law enforcement officers by natural resources districts as prescribed
LB794 White Indefinitely postponed Change early voting provisions