Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 06, 2010

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR274 Howard Resolution Recognize March, 2010, as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR273 Howard Resolution Urge the United States in its relations with the Turkish government to encourage the Turkish government to take certain actions
LR272 Giese Resolution Congratulate the Ponca High School football team for winning the Class C-2 state championship
LR271CA Nelson Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to permit exemption of increased value resulting from home improvements
LR270 Mello Resolution Congratulate the Salvation Army on the opening of the new Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center in Omaha
LB765 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change criminal laws relating to gambling
LB764 Fischer Passed Change provisions relating to integrated management plans under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act
LB763 Mello Passed Adopt the Successor Asbestos-Related Liability Act
LB762 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to the unauthorized use of the word bank
LB761 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Change employment driving permit provisions
LB760 Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to total return trusts
LB759 Wightman Passed Provide for the dissolution, winding up, and liquidation of certain professional corporations
LB758 Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to doctrines of cy pres and deviation and powers of personal representatives
LB757 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for nonprobate transfer on death motor vehicle certificates of title
LB756 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act
LB755 Dierks Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements and fees for certain oil or natural gas companies
LB754 Giese Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Blind Persons Literacy Rights and Education Act
LB753 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change qualifications for the Superintendent of Law Enforcement and Public Safety
LB752 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to securities pledged by trust companies
LB751 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to the effect of errors and omissions in financing statements
LB750 Adams Indefinitely postponed Provide for gifts of real property to the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
LB749 Louden Passed Designate certain roads as state recreation roads
LB748 Louden Indefinitely postponed Change exemption provisions relating to food establishments
LB747 Louden Indefinitely postponed Permit killing mountain lions and other predatory animals
LB746 Giese Passed Change provisions relating to racial profiling
LB745 Avery Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term for purposes of the Nebraska Scholarship Act
LB744 Giese Indefinitely postponed Provide for adoption of the National Electrical Code by the State Electrical Board
LB743 Fischer Passed Authorize conveyance of certain real property by the Game and Parks Commission
LB742 McCoy Passed Provide requirements for settled claims and settlement agreements involving public entities and provide that such claims and agreements are public records
LB741 Avery Indefinitely postponed Exclude lobbying expenses as a general fund operating expenditure for purposes of the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB740 Agriculture Committee Indefinitely postponed Eliminate transfer provisions from certain agricultural funds
LB739 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to driver training schools
LB738 McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to the substitution of trustee under the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
LB737 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from the State Personnel System
LB736 Pirsch Passed Provide for liens for assessments and fines by homeowners' associations
LB735 Gay Passed Adopt the Kelsey Smith Act to require wireless carriers to provide call location information in certain emergency situations
LB734 Gay Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to utility shut off notification
LB733 Gay Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax exemption for local public health departments and provide for applicability of the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act to such departments
LB732 Utter Passed Change provisions relating to certain forced sales of real property
LB731 Utter Passed Change provisions relating to noxious weed control funds
LB730 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to charging orders and interests in limited liability companies
LB729 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Conveyance Safety Act
LB728 Lautenbaugh Passed Adopt the Exploited Children's Civil Remedy Act and redefine a term with respect to pleas
LB727 Coash Passed Change compensation for retired judges serving temporary duty
LB726 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for staff training under the Alzheimer's Special Care Disclosure Act
LB725 Fischer Passed Change provisions relating to fertilizer trailers and agricultural chemical equipment
LB724 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of tax proceeds for tourism promotion
LB723 Fischer Passed Change surcharge remittance requirements for telephone companies
LB722 Avery Passed Change provisions relating to a state bonding requirement, sale of state real property, and state-owned motor vehicles
LB721 Avery Passed Change qualification requirements for the State Building Administrator
LB720 Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements and restrictions for customer loyalty or incentive programs
LB719 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of a rotating or flashing amber light on a motor vehicle
LB718 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for petitions and petition signatures
LB717 Avery Indefinitely postponed Require placement of conflict-of-interest statements in the Legislative Journal
LB716 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility requirements for members of a community college board of governors
LB715 Avery Indefinitely postponed Authorize projects in a specific portion of the Nebraska State Capitol Environs District
LB714 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for disclaimers on political material
LB713 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to school health inspections and authorize health data sharing
LB712 Rogert Passed Change provisions relating to legal process
LB711 Dierks Passed Change provisions relating to unified school systems and certification dates for state aid
LB710 Dierks Indefinitely postponed Prohibit performance of chiropractic adjustments as prescribed
LB709 White Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act
LB708 Stuthman Passed Change certain date provisions relating to property tax exemptions
LB707 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion
LB706 Haar Passed Provide fees for competency assessments of hearing interpreters
LB705 Haar Passed Remove a limitation on issuance of Pearl Harbor, prisoner-of-war, and disabled veteran license plates
LB704 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB703 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers of attorney
LB702 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a patient's access to medical records
LB701 Hadley Passed Change distribution of ICF/MR Reimbursement Protection Fund
LB700 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require certain construction and remodeling work to be supervised as prescribed in order to obtain a building permit
LB699 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require information obtained pursuant to certain arrests be forwarded to federal immigration authorities
LB698 Louden Passed Eliminate certain insurance premium tax provisions
LB697 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of wireless devices by school bus drivers
LB696 Pahls Passed Change provisions relating to disposal fees under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act
LB695 Price Passed Change the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court
LB694 Price Indefinitely postponed Provide restrictions for sexual predators and penalties
LB693 Price Indefinitely postponed Provide authorization for foreign insurers to offer health insurance in Nebraska
LB692 Price Indefinitely postponed Change a duty of county assessors relating to real property valuation
LB691 Langemeier Passed Provide for issuance of cease and desist orders under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB690 Langemeier Passed Change deadline provisions relating to trade name publication filings
LB689 Langemeier Passed Change Water Resources Cash Fund, Ethanol Production Incentive Cash Fund, and ethanol excise tax provisions
LB688 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change and provide provisions for abandoned vehicles
LB687 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change amounts of homestead allowance, exempt property, and family allowance for decedents' estates
LB686 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change fees received by clerks and registers of deeds
LB685 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions relating to the Executive Board of the Legislative Council
LB684 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal sections that terminated in 2000 governing the Contribution Distributive Fund and the Social Security Cash Fund
LB683 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal section stating legislative intent for fiscal year 2006-07
LB682 Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to repeal section governing the Department of Natural Resources Interstate Water Rights Cash Fund that terminated June 30, 2003