Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday November 04, 2009

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR3 Flood Resolution Congratulate the Norfolk High School girls' cross country team for winning the 2009 Class A state championship
LR2 Flood Resolution Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School boys' cross country team for winning the 2009 Class C state championship
LR1 Harms Resolution Congratulate the Scottsbluff girls' golf team for winning the 2009 Class B state championship
LB7 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change agricultural pesticide registration and renewal fees
LB6 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change inspection provisions of the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LB5 Education Committee Passed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools and expenditure limitations
LB4 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for special session expenses
LB3 Speaker Flood Passed Authorize transfers by the Legislature to the General Fund from various funds
LB2 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for and eliminate certain fund transfers
LB1 Speaker Flood Passed Change appropriations relating to state government