Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 20, 2009

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR9 Fulton Resolution Encourage law enforcement agencies to enter into a memoranda of agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to perform immigration law enforcement functions
LR8 Heidemann Resolution Congratulate the Pawnee City High School boys' track team for winning the 2008 Class D state championship
LB500 Karpisek Passed Authorize certain cities and villages to use funds for the general care of cemeteries
LB499 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Allow breast-feeding as prescribed
LB498 Fulton Passed Add trustees to the board of Wyuka Cemetery and require statements of conflicts of interest
LB497 Fulton Passed Change employment driving permit and ignition interlock device provisions and penalties
LB496 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Authorize enforcement of traffic control signal violations by automated traffic enforcement systems
LB495 Friend Passed Change provisions relating to annexation, additions, and control of weeds by cities and villages
LB494 McCoy Passed Require animal health care professionals to report cases of animal abuse and change dangerous dog provisions
LB493 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Require insurance coverage for cochlear implants
LB492 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for funding certain positions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
LB491 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for home energy efficiency loans
LB490 Giese Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to nonresident hunting permits
LB489 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Area Health Education Centers Act
LB488 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to veterans' homes
LB487 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Volunteer Emergency Responders Incentive Act and provide an income tax credit
LB486 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Require certain governmental entities to identify themselves as such in their official name
LB485 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exempt natural gas from sales tax and impose an excise tax on natural gas
LB484 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Provide for partial payment of insurance policy proceeds to a city or village by ordinance
LB483 Langemeier Passed Change provisions relating to water well permits
LB482 Langemeier Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act
LB481 Haar Indefinitely postponed Eliminate restrictions on midwives attending home deliveries
LB480 Dierks Indefinitely postponed Change budget limit and tax levy limitation provisions
LB479 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Change enrollment provisions relating to early childhood education
LB478 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Provide for alcoholic liquor sale and consumption on Game and Parks Commission property
LB477 Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to water transfer permits
LB476 Stuthman Passed Adopt the Center for Student Leadership and Extended Learning Act and repeal the Career Education Partnership Act
LB475 Stuthman Passed Change duties of county comptroller and create office of auditor
LB474 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to property exempt from property taxes
LB473 Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Elementary Attendance Region Act
LB472 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change payment terms for scrap copper and catalytic converters
LB471 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change public power special generation application provisions
LB470 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Establish a limit on certain city occupation taxes
LB469 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Create the Agricultural Land Valuation Task Force
LB468 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB467 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require voter approval for annexation of cities or villages
LB466 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Eliminate an excise tax on corn and grain sorghum
LB465 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for videoconferencing and telephone conferences for educational service unit board meetings
LB464 Gay Passed Require certain booster immunizations for students entering seventh grade
LB463 Dierks Passed Provide for licensure of animal therapists, change authorization for collaborative animal health care tasks and veterinary drug distribution definitions, and change distribution of veterinary legend drugs provisions
LB462 Dierks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to human immunodeficiency virus testing
LB461 Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Commissioner of Education and the State Board of Education
LB460 Friend Indefinitely postponed Change a sales tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals
LB459 Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Stay in the Game Program
LB458 Harms Passed Provide for vocational training for public assistance recipients
LB457 Friend Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certified nurse midwives
LB456 Heidemann Passed Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB455 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Provide renewable energy sales and use tax credit and exemption for eligible entities
LB454 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund provisions
LB453 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an employer notice that employees are not covered by workers' compensation insurance
LB452 Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Advance Directives Identification Act
LB451 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Rename the Hearing Aid Instrument Dispensers and Fitters Practice Act
LB450 Campbell Passed Change Nebraska State Capitol Environs District height restriction provisions
LB449 Campbell Passed Change disability retirement allowance provisions of the School Employees Retirement Act
LB448 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Require an influenza vaccination pilot program
LB447 Schilz Passed Change a beginning farmer or livestock producer qualification under the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act
LB446 Fulton Passed Provide for a loan repayment program under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act
LB445 Fulton Passed Change the Health Insurance Access Act
LB444 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Escort Services Accountability and Licensing Act
LB443 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for the regulation of adult and sexually oriented businesses
LB442 Council Indefinitely postponed Change procedural and relief provisions of the Nebraska Fair Housing Act
LB441 Council Passed Change provisions relating to the cost of certain municipal proceeding transcripts
LB440 Council Passed Change diversity criteria under the Student Diversity Scholarship Program Act and change provisions relating to postsecondary capital and facility expenditures
LB439 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Home Energy Alternatives Act
LB438 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Prohibits instream appropriations in fully or overappropriated areas
LB437 Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Wind Energy Development Zone Task Force
LB436 Haar Passed Provide for net metering of electricity
LB435 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Change fee provisions related to modular housing units, manufactured homes, and recreational vehicles
LB434 Janssen Passed Change ballot questions regarding township organization
LB433 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to interchange of court judges and court jurisdiction
LB432 Nelson Passed Change provisions relating to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
LB431 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act provisions
LB430 Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB429 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change employment provisions of persons committed to the Department of Correctional Services
LB428 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Authorize deposit of public funds in credit unions and clarify Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and National Credit Union Administration coverage
LB427 Pankonin Indefinitely postponed Adopt the County Law Enforcement Officer Retirement Act
LB426 Pankonin Indefinitely postponed Name and change provisions relating to the Police Officers Retirement Act
LB425 Pankonin Indefinitely postponed Change mandatory contribution rates under the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act
LB424 Pankonin Indefinitely postponed Change mandatory contribution rates under the Judges Retirement Act
LB423 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change child custody provisions and the Parenting Act
LB422 Cornett Passed Define veteran of the Global War on Terror
LB421 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Suspend collection of fuel tax on compressed natural gas for a prescribed period
LB420 Hadley E and R Engrossing Change a sales tax exemption relating to nonprofit organizations
LB419 Hadley Indefinitely postponed Eliminate limits on tax credits under the Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act
LB418 Price Indefinitely postponed Require valuation changes by the Tax Equalization and Review Commission among counties which have learning communities
LB417 Friend Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Optometry Practice Act