Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 13, 2009

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR5CA Friend Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms
LB244 Coash Indefinitely postponed Add Tramadol and Carisoprodol to schedules of controlled substances
LB243 Nantkes Indefinitely postponed Provide for annual adjustment for workers' compensation total disability income benefits
LB242 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Increase the mandatory retirement age under the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act
LB241 Pahls Passed Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act and adopt the Dog and Cat Purchase Protection Act
LB240 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Require a minimum level of expenditures for direct classroom instruction
LB239 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide a homestead property tax exemption for certain disabled veterans
LB238 Lathrop Passed Adopt the Public Power Infrastructure Protection Act and change penalty provisions regarding trespass
LB237 Lathrop Passed Adopt the Interstate Compact for Juveniles and the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
LB236 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB235 Adams Passed Provide the Board of Educational Lands and Funds with powers relating to solar energy and wind energy leases
LB234 Adams Indefinitely postponed Change a sales and use tax exemption relating to fuel and energy
LB233 Adams Indefinitely postponed Exempt mineral oil to be applied to grain as a dust suppressant from sales and use taxes
LB232 Nordquist Passed Permit sales of alcoholic liquor by community college culinary programs
LB231 Avery Passed Change Rural Development Commission membership provisions
LB230 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Eliminate integrated practice agreements for nurse practitioners
LB229 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Adopt federal regulations and change operator's license and state identification card provisions
LB228 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Prohibit school membership in certain activity-regulating organizations
LB227 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interior Designers Certification Act
LB226 Rogert Passed Authorize medical consent and contracting authority for certain persons eighteen years of age
LB225 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for volunteer firefighter license plates
LB224 Carlson Passed Change Nebraska State Fair and Nebraska State Fair Board provisions
LB223 Nantkes Indefinitely postponed Classify swimming pools and provide operator requirements
LB222 Giese Indefinitely postponed Restrict issuance of learner's permits
LB221 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to payment of school funds
LB220 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to pharmacy practice and pharmaceuticals
LB219 Flood Passed Transfer responsibility of the highway safety program to the Department of Roads from the Department of Motor Vehicles
LB218 Cornett Passed Change, eliminate, and provide state aid to various political subdivisions
LB217 Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for electrical entities placing wires across railroad rights-of-way
LB216 Wallman Passed Eliminate civil liability provisions relating to motor vehicle and aircraft guest statutes
LB215 Fischer Indefinitely postponed Create the School Finance Review Committee
LB214 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Redefine nail technology under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB213 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change Tax Equalization and Review Commission provisions
LB212 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize single commissioner hearings before the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB211 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Provide for issuance of certain license plates to spouses of veterans
LB210 Langemeier Passed Change provisions relating to aid to natural resources districts
LB209 Langemeier Passed Change provisions relating to time for construction of irrigation projects and dams
LB208 Lautenbaugh Passed Add false information about employees to the crime of fraudulent insurance act and to the Insurance Fraud Act