Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Monday January 12, 2009

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB207 Avery Passed Change provisions governing the Governor's residence and powers of the Department of Administrative Services and the Director of Administrative Services
LB206 Nantkes Passed Adopt the In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Act
LB205 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Require educational and ethics training for board members of certain retirement systems
LB204 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Passed Change certain commercial motor vehicle penalty provisions
LB203 Rogert Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to multiple constables and the service or execution of legal process
LB202 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Passed Provide for electronic certificates of title and lien notification
LB201 McGill Passed Change the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act relating to international application
LB200 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Change motorcycle and moped helmet requirements
LB199 Stuthman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to court support orders and collection of such support
LB198 Stuthman Passed Adopt the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act
LB197 Fulton Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska educational savings plan
LB196 Gay Passed Change loan agreement provisions under the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act
LB195 Gay Passed Change provisions relating to barbering, pharmacy, physician assistants, certificates of need, hearing instrument specialists, emergency medical services, tuberculosis detection and prevention, and statewide trauma services
LB194 Nantkes Indefinitely postponed Change workers' compensation provisions on lump-sum settlements
LB193 Nantkes Indefinitely postponed Change a restriction on use of cigarette tax proceeds for bonds
LB192 Pahls Passed Change insurance provisions
LB191 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for the waiver of a fine or penalty for an information collection requirement for small businesses
LB190 Avery Passed Provide for collection of DNA samples from individuals convicted of a felony and released on probation
LB189 Pankonin Passed Change terminology relating to problem gambling services
LB188 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change provisions relating to retirement programs for county and state employees and the Nebraska State Patrol
LB187 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change contribution rates for school employee retirement plans
LB186 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB185 Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to presentence investigations
LB184 Louden Passed Authorize Department of Natural Resources to administer riparian water rights
LB183 Fischer Passed Provide requirements for the sale of an exchange under the Nebraska Telecommunications Regulation Act
LB182 Pankonin Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB181 Fischer Passed Provide requirements for agreements between railroads and telecommunications carriers
LB180 Natural Resources Committee Passed Change provisions relating to solid waste management
LB179 Natural Resources Committee Passed Change project limit adjustments under the Nebraska Resources Development Fund
LB178 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for developmental disability aid
LB177 Lathrop Passed Change security freeze provisions relating to credit reports
LB176 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of credit information for insurance purposes and repeal the model act
LB175 Lathrop Passed Change provisions for replacing lost license plates
LB174 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change vehicle registration and fee provisions for cities of the metropolitan class
LB173 Gay Indefinitely postponed Provide for relabeling and redispensing of prescription drugs at certain correctional facilities
LB172 Gay Indefinitely postponed Change the False Medicaid Claims Act and create a fund
LB171 Nantkes Indefinitely postponed Change a research tax credit
LB170 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change temporary conservator appointment provisions
LB169 Hadley Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for the medical assistance program
LB168 Avery Passed Provide for reverse auctions by the state purchasing bureau
LB167 Avery Passed Provide for discount program participation and electronic funds transfers for state employees
LB166 Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to property tax
LB165 Cornett Passed Change revenue laws
LB164 Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to tax incentive programs
LB163 Pankonin Passed Change school board membership provisions
LB162 Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to contractor registration and income tax withholding
LB161 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Business Provided Sales Tax Holiday Act
LB160 Gay Passed Authorize issuance of flood protection and water quality enhancement bonds by natural resources districts
LB159 Gay Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for long-term care insurance policy premiums
LB158 White Passed Change provisions relating to employment, removal, and discipline of peace officers
LB157 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Exempt state vehicles from carrying uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
LB156 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the strict liability requirement for pursuits by law enforcement officers