Occupational Board Reform Act

General Information

Committee of Jurisdiction:Urban Affairs
Plumbing Board:Board of Examination of Plumbers
Contact:Rob Mierau
Purpose:I believe the purpose of the licensure program was to ensure workers have the full understandings of how to do all of the work in the plumbing trade. I also believe it was a way for the plumbing business to regulate who could work in the industry and who could not, based on their skills. It also allowed for the industry to set standards in their trade. However, I do not necessarily feel the purpose is the same in today’s society.
Regulated Professionals:75-100
Year Created:1971
Year Active:1971
Sunset Date:N/A


Parent Department/Division:City of Beatrice


Number of Members:7
Who Appoints:Mayor, by and with consent of the city council
City Council/Village Board/City Manager Approval:City Council
Qualifications of Members:All members of the plumbing board shall be residents of the city or live within the zoning jurisdiction of the city. The plumbing inspector and the journeyman and master plumbers shall be licensed plumbers.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:No
Term Length:Journeyman & master plumbers for terms of 3 years, health officer & inspector same term as mayo
Terms Rotate or Expire at Once:All Expire


Required FY 2022-2021:2
Held FY 2022-2021:0
Required FY 2021-2020:2
Held FY 2021-2020:0
Required FY 2020-2019:2
Held FY 2020-2019:0
Required FY 2019-2018:2
Held FY 2019-2018:0
Required FY 2018-2017:2
Held FY 2018-2017:2


Support Staff:Three
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 2022-2021 Budget:100
FY 2021-2020 Budget:100
FY 2020-2019 Budget:100
FY 2019-2018 Budget:100
FY 2018-2017 Budget:100
Funding Sources:General fund/operations
Spending Authority:


Plumbing Certificates Issued:259
Issued Certificate Descriptions:Master plumbers 91 Journeyman plumbers 58 Apprentice plumber 92 Water conditioner 15 Master drain layers 3
Plumbing Certificates Revoked:0
Revoked Certificate Descriptions:N/A
Plumbing Certificates Denied:0
Denied Certificate Descriptions:N/A
Plumbing Certificates Penalties Against:0
Penalty Certificate Descriptions:N/A
Explanation of Effectiveness:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/explanation1666011964.pdf
Potential HarmI do not see any harm if this occupation is no longer licensed. Overall, this trade is treated differently than other trades that are not regulate, and I’m not sure why. I feel that plumbers, like other trades, will weed themselves out through their knowledge of the codes through inspections and their overall craftsmanship for their customers.
Regulation Comparison:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/comparison1666011964.pdf
Subject to Regulations of Act(LB407):No
Survey Submitted: October 17, 2022 08:06 AM