Occupational Board Reform Act

General Information

Committee of Jurisdiction:Judiciary
Occupation Regulated:Fireworks-Distributor, Jobber, and Retail Stands
Occupational Board:N/A
Contact:Regina Shields
Purpose:The three types of licenses are to ensure that fireworks are regulated in the State. Fireworks are an inherently dangerous product and it is important to have licensing to help ensure public safety through inspections and a open knowledge base of Nebraska requirements.
Regulated Professionals:2020 - 667 stands, 51 distributors, 12 jobbers
Year Created:1977
Year Active:2020
Sunset Date:N/A


Statutory Authorization:28-1246
Parent Agency:State Fire Marshal


Number of Members:
Who Appoints:
Legislative Approval:
Qualifications of Members:
Per Diem:
Expense Reimbursement:
Term Length:
Terms Rotate or Expire at Once:


Required FY 2020-2019:0
Held FY 2020-2019:0
Required FY 2019-2018:0
Held FY 2019-2018:0
Required FY 2018-2017:0
Held FY 2018-2017:0
Required FY 2017-2016:0
Held FY 2017-2016:0
Required FY 2016-2015:0
Held FY 2016-2015:0


Support Staff:2
Shared or Separate:shared
FY 2020-2019 Budget:3256
FY 2019-2018 Budget:4947
FY 2018-2017 Budget:8873
FY 2017-2016 Budget:10152
FY 2016-2015 Budget:11320
Other Funding Sources:General Funds
Spending Authority:LB 294


Government Certificates Issued:3935
Issued Certificate Descriptions:This is a five year total for the number of retail stand permits, jobber and distributor licenses that were issued by the Agency. The Distributor and Jobber permits are required to sell to the retail stands. Retail stands sell fireworks to the public.
Government Certificates Revoked:0
Revoked Certificate Descriptions:There have been warning letters issued in some cases but no revocations.
Government Certificates Denied:232
Denied Certificate Descriptions:In many cases the initial application is denied but information is provided to the applicant on what information is needed for them to reapply and be approved.
Government Certificates Penalties Against:0
Penalty Certificate Descriptions:There have been no penalties issued--there are numerous instances where a code violation will be found at the inspection and must be corrected prior to continued sales but the Agency has not had to seek criminal enforcement.
Explanation of Effectiveness:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/explanation1607554410.pdf
Potential HarmFireworks are an inherently dangerous item by their very nature. Without the licensing there could be an increase in injuries and property loss due to the danger posed by the misuse or incorrect storage of fireworks.
Regulation Comparison:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/comparison1607554410.pdf
Subject to Regulations of Act(LB407):No
Survey Submitted: December 9, 2020 04:53 PM