
Considered Amendment Details - LB512
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
ST33 adopted 0
AM1346 Harr Amendments to Final Reading copy adopted 1361 Vote
AM1204 Harr Withdraw withdrawn 1223
ST18 adopted 0
AM1076 Groene Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1081 Vote
AM1083 Harr Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1080 Vote
MO90 Harr Reconsider withdrawn 1079
AM1008 Harr Amendments to Committee amendments lost 1076 Vote
AM970 Briese Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 986 Vote
AM862 Morfeld Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 934 Vote
ER49 Enrollment and Review adopted 936
AM724 Education adopted 824 Vote
AM857 Harr Amendments to Committee amendments lost 868 Vote
AM845 Harr Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 868