Considered Amendment Details - LB613

Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
FA158 Chambers withdrawn 1755
AM1548 Schumacher Amendments to AM1522 adopted 1702
AM1522 Schumacher adopted 1614
AM1077 Chambers Withdraw withdrawn 1080
AM778 Chambers Withdraw withdrawn 822
FA37 Chambers Withdraw withdrawn 800
AM744 Krist Withdraw withdrawn 795
MO26 Chambers Withdraw withdrawn 745
ER31 Enrollment and Review adopted 815
AM467 Executive Board adopted 664
MO28 Schumacher Cloture prevailed 792
FA36 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 792
FA35 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 792
FA34 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 776
FA33 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 745
FA32 Chambers Amendments to AM467 lost 745
FA31 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 745
FA30 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 745
FA29 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 745
FA28 Chambers Amendments to AM467 adopted 745
AM653 McCoy Select File amendment withdrawn 728