Nebraska Revised Statute 38-1818

Chapter 38


Appropriate supervision; requirements.

The board shall develop requirements for appropriate supervision consistent with prevailing professional standards considering factors that include, but are not limited to, level of education, experience, and level of responsibility. The requirements shall include:

(1) Adequate, active, and continuing review of the supervisee's activities to assure that the supervisee is performing as directed and complying with the statutes and all related administrative regulations;

(2) Personal review by the qualified supervisor of the supervisee's practice on a regular basis and regularly scheduled, face-to-face, education and review conferences between the qualified supervisor and the supervisee;

(3) Personal review of all charts, records, and clinical notes of the supervisee on a regular basis;

(4) Designation of an alternate qualified supervisor to supervise any services provided in the event of a qualified supervisor's absence; and

(5) Knowledge of, and adherence to, by each supervisee and qualified supervisor, the assigned level of responsibility and the permissible types of supervision and documentation as determined by the board in supervision requirements.